Lakeland Area Hospice provides four levels of care to meet the needs of patients and their families.
Routine Care
Care provided in the comfort and security of your home wherever you are - in the home, assisted living facility or in a skilled nursing facility. A hospice nurse will work with a patient's primary physician to bring the appropriate hospice services to your home. Members of our hospice team will work with caregivers to help them feel comfortable performing routine care activities.
Respite Care
Care provided when caregivers would benefit from short-term relief from the day-to-day care they provide at the home. This type of short-term care is usually provided at a skilled nursing facility for up to five days in a row.
Continuous Care(Care Plus)
Care provided for short periods in your home when skilled nursing care is required to help manage acute symptoms. This type of care is provided for a set number of hours per day for a few days.
General Inpatient Care
Care provided for a short-term stay in a hospice care center, in a skilled nursing facility, or hospital when 24-hour skilled nursing care is necessary to help manage symptoms.